Start with the Truth


Over the past month, there have been many questions and conversations around truth. Indeed, whether the coaching, advising or consulting questions were around decision-making or problem-solving, innovation or engagement, retention or conflict resolution, truth was the foundational step toward progress. I have therefore summarized a list of criteria to guide the search for truth. I hope that you find it useful.

  1. Validity: 
    • What is the data and how do you know that it reflects past, current and projected conditions?
  2. Usefulness: 
    • Would it be helpful to share the truth? If so, which people and groups would benefit (or not) and why?
  3. Urgency: 
    • Is there an urgent need to take action on the truth? If so, why so and which groups or people are urgently impacted?
  4. Timing: 
    • If there’s not an urgent need, when *is* the right time to share this truth and to which people or groups and why?  
  5. Impact: 
    • Who is impacted by the truth? How would you communicate the truth to the different groups of impacted people?
  6. Agendas: 
    • What are the motivations of the parties sharing information? How would their motivations taint what they portray to be true? How would the truth support them in achieving their goals?
  7. Transparency: 
    • Are all parties being transparent about what’s true? Will you be communicating the full truth to all parties? Why or why not? 
  8. Options: 
    • What are the best options for being firm but kind and fair but consistent?  
  9. Morality: 
    • What are the moral, legal and ethical issues of the dilemma, given the best options available for responding to the truth?
  10. Ripple Effect: 
    • What are the ripple effects of the actions taken on culture, brand, relationships, business, etc.,?

What are your thoughts? How can focusing on the truth support yourself and your team in reaching corporate and cultural objectives?