If the 60s brought on the decade of semiconductors, the 70s the era of the personal computer, the 80s, the prominence of networks, the 90s, the rise of the modern internet, and the 00s the prominence of social networks, what will the next decade bring? It’s that Age of Personalization, with the technology, data, sensors, hardware and software advances that come with it, serving the individualized needs of the customer. The companies who will dominate and succeed as we emerge from the Age of Information to the Age of Personalization have much in common.

  1. These companies are technology-driven, leveraging the hardware, software, networking and other advances to deliver personalized services to demanding users sustainably. They have followed and even led the evolution of the internet, and have applied the concepts and the technologies in delivering products and services to their customers. For more information, read our past blogs: The Evolution of the Web
  2. These companies are data-driven, and leverage data from applications, sensors, and volumes of information to better understand what their customers need so they can deliver and even predict precisely what they need, maybe before they even realize it themselves! Moreover, the data is integrated into the operational processes, to ensure the precise production, manufacturing and delivery of customized solutions, tailored to the needs of the customer. What’s Leading To Personalization for the Masses,
  3. These companies will be well positioned to take advantage of Google’s project on the Physical Web, announced in October 2014, envisions that people can walk up to any smart device, whether it’s a vending machine, a poster, a toy, a bus stop, a rental car, and support the search needs of the user without first the downloading of an application. The volumes of data from these integrated sensors will be astronomical, and the successful company will know how to leverage that data real-time to deliver real solutions to their customers. IoE = Integration of Sensors + Big Data + Supply Chain
  4. Companies with the edge will know how to process the information real-time, leverage that information to fuel internal and operational processes so that products and services can be efficiently customized and delivered to the door.The Tech, Logistical and Business Innovations of Internet 3.0
  5. The data and information handles the science side of the personalization, but integrating that data into what’s actually delivered to the door is no easy task. To-the-door delivery hurdles include security, scalability, manufacturing, standards, and many other factors. Serving the Last Mile
  6. 6. Companies that are customer-focused in vision, strategy and action will have an edge. They partner with customers to understand and anticipate their needs. They develop communities to connect their stakeholders and keep them engaged. They tailor their offerings and features based on the feedback of customers. Being Customer-Centric
  7. Understanding the broader ecosystem of the business helps companies become more customer-focused. Working with a range of stakeholders across the value-chain, company leaders can understand better what customers want in the short term and long term, and develop win-win collaborations that help deliver personalized solutions to the door. Choosing Collaborations, An Ecosystem Approach to Engaging the Right Customers
  8. Key to the success of customer-oriented, collaborative programs is a sales mindset for everyone across the organization, no matter what their roles and responsibilities are. With that said, it’s not the old connotations around sales but someone who is more collaborative, more informed, and more tech-savvy.The New Sales Professionals
  9. Corporate leaders who facilitate innovation in words and actions will reward those that innovate, and attract those who want to be more innovative to join. But innovation is not just a way of thinking, it’s also a way of doing something well and something that makes a difference, embracing people, thoughts and ideas that *are* different. Innovation and Diversity: Two Sides of the Same Coin
  10. But the bottom line is that it, as always, comes down to leadership. Who can do the pivot from what’s worked before to what will work in the future? Who can inspire others to follow and lead in a new direction? Who can envision, strategize *and* execute? These will be your leaders. Next Generation Leadership, Leading Beyond Complacency

This is the final post in FountainBlue’s Age of Personalization series. Future posts will focus on how the Aging are Leveraging the Age of Personalization.